Learn to Run

Become A Better Runner, Without Injuries, 4 week course

Pose method of Running

Pose method of Running

Learn To Run - 4 week course

So, you’re here because you want to learn to run, yet you probably don’t know that you were already born with the equipment and skill to be an efficient runner. Just look at children who run every day without injury (no knee problems, no back pain, sprains, shin splints, plantar fasciitis or stress fractures) and no one specifically trained them on technique. Sadly, over time and due to lack of use, this innate ability dwindles and we forget how to run. The good news is, through proper training the ability to run can be unlocked and here is how.


Pose Fall Pull

What Is Involved?

Over a 4-week programme our running instructors will teach an efficient running technique, known as pose method, that goes beyond the distance. You will also learn to run in accordance with the laws of nature and how the body is designed to move. On week 1 and 4, you will have your own running technique thoroughly analysed and adjusted where needed. As well as technique we will work on stability, strength and flexibility for running.We will discuss training strategy and planning for every level. 


The motivation to learn to run, water and running shoes.


Learn to Run Huldenberg

The Schedule and Location