The Silent Runner Evolution
The silent runner, who moves quietly over the concrete, who blends in with nature and doesn’t disturb the harmony of the forest, with controlled nasal breathing, inner peace, and a fulfilling smile across his face. Enjoying the rhythmic movement, step by step.
The runner who can speed up, slow down and effortlessly overcome obstacles.
The runner who feels powerful and finds satisfaction regardless of level or fitness.
The runner who can maximise their potential to create calmness and balance, who can improve personal bests, who can maintain health and appreciate nature and the outdoor experience.
The Ultra Trail the Mount Blanc and finding meaning in Running, Training and Life.
Trail Runners from all over the world compete against each other and most of all against themselves in one of the most famous long distance Mountain race on the planet. The Ultra Trail The Mount Blanc.
What drives you to run? Why are you running?
Find the why in your running, find your own challenge, improve to way you run, the way you breathe and change the way how you feel and perform.
You’re never too young (or old) for the old man test!
Balance is an essential aspect of health and wellbeing, and it's something we can all improve. So why not give the Old Man Test a try and see how you do? You might be surprised at how challenging it is - and how much fun it can be to work on your balance every day!
10 Active gifts - simpler than you think!
What to get for the person who has everything? Check out these simple and fun ways to surprise someone on how ordinary things can give extraordinary the possibilities. With a little creativity you can sharpen your movement skills, improve oxygen intake, work on strength and mobility.
The Benefits of a Cold Shower
There’s no doubt that cold exposure is trending - from open water swimming to ice baths. But did you know that simply taking a 30 second cold shower can already have huge benefits for your health and well-being? Follow our easy step-by step guide on why and how to get started
5 Simple Habits to Eat Well
Discover 5 simple habits that will make a huge difference to your nutrition. Surprisingly, it’s not just what you eat - but when and how are also key factors to healthier eating habits. Find out more
Fitness Facts & Fictions
What really helps you on your journey towards improving your fitness. It’s not just about the specific exercise, but also about motivation, timing, nutrition..etc. There are also some common misconceptions about fitness…read on to find out more
Skyrace du Rocher Blanc
21km, from the valley of Le Haut Breda (928m above sea level) via the deep blue lakes of Les sept eaux all the way to Le Rocher Blanc at 2928m altitude
The Bob Graham Round pt.2
The rules are fairly simple and the distance is reasonable for a trained ultra runner, only a third of the attempts are successful. The difficult terrain, weather conditions, navigation and a test of willpower all add to making this a tough challenge….
Natural Movement Skills: Throwing & Catching
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Throwing & Catching’ - surprisingly, not all about the hands. Throwing & Catching are excellent for improving mobility in the back and hips. Learn some technique tips and make sure to not only practice your good side.
Natural Movement Skills: Lifting & Carrying
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Lifting & Carrying’ - lifting a heavy object safely is an essential skill. Get tips on different techniques and discover why a strong posture and good squat technique are also essential components of lifting safely.
Natural Movement Skills: Climbing
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Climbing’ - a key skill between your next move is Hanging. Hanging is excellent for alignment, shoulder mobility and grip strength. Discover tips on how to improve your hanging and master those monkey bars.
Natural Movement Skills: Crawling
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Crawling’ - Put simply, its an immensely effective exercise that is safe and easy to get to grips with. Discover 4 key steps to master this move and improve core strength, posture, breathing technique and coordination.
Natural Movement Skills: Jumping
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Jumping’ - why your jumping technique will differ depending on what kind of jump you are doing e.g. over, onto, whilst running etc. And why landing technique is actually the most crucial skill to master here…
Natural Movement Skills: A Beginners Guide
The first in a blog series on Natural Movement - what is it and why it is becoming so popular. Find out which are the core skills you need to re-discover so that in the words of the early pioneer of natural movement, George Hebert, you too can: “Be strong to be useful.”
Natural Movement Skills: Balance
In this blog, part of a series on natural movement, I cover ‘Balance’ - an essential skill for many movements and sports; and 2 key principles for maintaining good balance - Perception and Posture
Better Running and more Enjoyment with these 5 Training Tips!
Are you also looking for how to improve your running performance? How you to get more out of your training with just a little effort?
And what the best investment of your time would be to have more fun or to run to faster or for longer?
Get 5 training tips and tricks that you can use right now!
Iron Viking - The biggest playground in the country
With smiles and the childlike thrill of ‘what’s coming next?!’ we made our way through the largest playground in the country, running from slide to swing, climbing up ropes, and thinking - why haven't I done this before? (read more)
What is HIIT Training?
Discover the benefits and different types of High Intensity Interval Training; which moves will get your heart rate pumping and even learn how to put together your own HIIT workout - anytime, anywhere
Why you should Stretch
Stretching is essentially about improving and maintaining your mobility. Discover the different ways to stretch and why; and the difference between mobility and flexibility