Natural Movement Skills: Climbing


Climbing is yet another skill we acquired naturally as a child as we learned to pull ourselves up and later clambered up trees and climbing frames.

Whilst climbing is difficult to practise by yourself if you have not had some instruction as an adult - there are specific techniques within climbing that you can work on by yourself.

Hanging is an essential rest position in climbing before you make your next move. It is also excellent for alignment, shoulder mobility and grip strength. Hanging also improves joint function and health. Some tips on hanging:

  • Keep your feet on the floor if hanging with your full body weight is too much. Play with your bodyweight until it feels challenging but manageable

  • Start with 20 seconds alternating with 20 seconds rest

  • Practise regularly - consistency is the key. 3 x 20 secs each day is better than 5 minute once a month!

  • Build up to a 1 minute ‘free’ hang (feet of the ground). From then on we can start swinging, moving front back or sideways or climbing up.

Check out the monkey bars or the climbing frames in your nearest playground and relive the joy of swinging from your childhood!


Natural Movement Skills: Lifting & Carrying


Natural Movement Skills: Crawling