The Benefits of a Cold Shower

A cold shower is something that most of us will only take out of necessity - when someone used all the hot water, or you are somewhere remote and don’t have any hot water options.

But did you know that taking a cold shower actually has enormous benefits for your health and well-being?

Find out how to get out of your warm shower comfort zone and turn the cold shower shock in to a simple way to power up your energy each day.

With just 30 seconds practise you will discover benefits for both your body and your mind. Follow our easy step-by step guide on how to get started and take the plunge!

The benefits of taking a cold shower:

Improves your Immune System

A cold shower will get your blood pumping and increase the amount of white blood cells which fight against disease, thus building a stronger immune system.

Sharpens your mental focus

The cold water will trigger you to take deeper breaths which in turn increases your oxygen intake. More oxygen to the brain will keep you more alert and focussed.

Reduces Stress Levels

When you take a cold shower, you place a small amount of stress on your nervous system. Doing this regularly actually trains your body to tolerate stress better so that everyday stresses become, well, less stressful!

Stimulates Weight Loss

White fat is built up when we eat more calories than we need to burn. This basically just sits around our tummies, back and other hard to shift places. Brown fat burns calories to generate heat. Taking regular cold showers will increase the brown fat activity and reduce the white fat by burning excess calories as well as increasing your metabolism.

Speeds up Muscle Recovery

Whilst you can’t eliminate sore muscles after a workout , you can accelerate your recover with a cold shower (hence why you see some top athletes plunging into an ice bath after competitions!)

Boosts your Mood

The intense cold triggers your nerve endings i.e. the tingly effect! This in turn will boost your mood and can also relieve symptoms of depression.

How to get started with cold showers*

Aim for 30 secs and focus your breathing. Here’s how:

  1. Start with a warm shower

  2. Before you finish, turn the water to cold

  3. Start with your feet and work your way up your body

  4. BREATHE! Exhale longer than the inhale

  5. Stay calm

  6. Close your eyes and embrace the cold for 30 seconds

  7. Jump out and enjoy the extra cosy feeling of your towel / bathrobe

  8. Feel the amazing energy surge!

Start with 30 seconds over 3 days and you will already feel the difference.

If you are nervous about trying this, a good tip is to have your ‘comfort’ close at hand for immediately afterwards. This might be a snuggly bathrobe, a hot cup of tea or having your clothes ready on the radiator. This can help you through the first few times to be able to already visualise your ‘reward’ : )

If after the cold water you experience heavy shivering or feel very uncomfortable then switch the water back to warm again before you jump out.



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