How to perfect your Squat


What is a Squat?

A SQUAT is a great example of a natural movement exercise and what it known as functional fitness. Meaning you perform the move regularly in daily life, for example picking up something from the floor. It also happens to be brilliant for your leg strength, and your core stability which in turn helps your balance and mobility.

By focussing on your technique and specifically training your squat move, you will maintain a proper form when performing it in everyday life and therefore greatly reduce your chances of injury.

Together with the plank, this is a key move to master. Nail this one, and you will be able use it as the foundation for your awesome jumping skills.

6 steps to the perfect Squat

  1. Place your feet shoulder width apart, feet facing forwards.

  2. Make sure there is about 60% of your body weight in your heels and keep this 60/40 ratio the whole sequence.

  3. Bend your legs and lower your body in a controlled way keeping your knees in line with your feet

  4. In the lowest position, your ears should still be in line with your ankles.

  5. Make sure your head is in a neutral position to avoid strain in your neck

  6. Make sure your back is straight and not bent over or arched. It should be in a straight line with your head

  7. Contract your abs and Glutes, straighten your legs and stand up in a controlled way…….and smile : )


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