Born to Run Challenge

Bring the fun back into your run!
Let’s forget heart rate zones, gadgets, interval training and GPS watches for a while and focus instead on what’s actually happening during your run.
I’ll show you how to do a quick analysis of your own running technique.
Become familiar with the basic ingredients of good 'natural' running form. Learn some technique drills that can make all the difference.
Bonus! Combine your running with a strong foundation and you will achieve even more. Learn how warming up, stability, strength training and flexibility will all have a positive impact on your running.
Avoid being one of the 75% of injured runners
That’s right - almost three quarters of all runners have to deal with some kind of injury every year. Apply a good running technique from the off, and be the other 25%!
Is it for me?
Are you just starting to run, or did you used to run and want to pick it up again? Good for you!
Maybe we're not made for running I hear you say. Yet children also teach themselves to run after walking. They don't jog! They run a lot, every day and all day. And yet the classic running injuries hardly occur with them.
Want to know more? Want to start running? Want to run longer and faster? Or just want to have more fun or run to relax?
Join the Born to Run Challenge and bring the fun back in your Run
Take the Born to Run Challenge and get back to basics with a good running technique

What’s included?
Find out more about why good Running Technique is so essential to running stronger, faster, longer and most importantly - staying injury free.
Introduction and welcome to the Born to Run challenge